Sunday, November 10, 2013

WEEK #43 & #44: Chicken Run Upgrade

The chickens have had it kinda rough the past few weeks.  Everyday while at work we would keep them shut up in the coop and when we got home they only had maybe an hour max (sunset is now just after 5:00pm!) to be outside before having to go back in again for the night.  It was time to fix up their run so they can no longer fly out, and that they can actually be outside and go back in when they please while we are away at work.

We first raised up the height of the door, made a doorway for support, nailed a few more pieces of wood for support, and lastly attached more chicken wire on these supports around the run.  The run is now around 6 feet tall so hopefully they won't figure out (there are ways) how to get out.

Chicken "Fortress"

Everything outside is pretty much done for the year.  Our oats, peas and barley cover crop is coming up now in the garden plots which will be turned in next spring.  We are still eating the bounty of our garden and will be into 2014.  The latest thing that Aaron pressure canned was our potatoes into a potato leek soup.  For Marianne, having acorn squash cut in half and cooked in the oven with some butter and brown sugar makes for the best dessert in the world right now! :D  Along the pea trellis Aaron planted garlic bulbs.

Cover crops of various heights in the gardens

Marianne got a little creative and made a centrepiece for the table from various tree branches, flowers, and grasses from the property. The only thing that isn't real are the yellow flowers to add some colour.
 A fall centrepiece

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