Wednesday, May 22, 2013

WEEK 20: Lessons Learned

We decided to plant everything from downstairs (except the wildflowers) into the garden beds on Marianne's birthday, which was May 14th. Around here the word on the street is not to plant anything until the Victoria Day long weekend due to that lingering chance of frost, however our plants were getting too tall and HAD to go out!

Once we planted them in the garden it was all to clear that we let them grow too tall.  The tomato plants fell over, and by the next day after their first watering they looked like they may have a rough road ahead of them.  Next year, we will delay propegation to prevent this from reoccuring.

It will be interesting to see how the three new garden plots will turn out as well.  The original one from last year was fertilized in the past, while the three new ones are just light and sandy.  If we had the chance last fall we would have created the gardens and placed chicken manure, and other compost to lay the ground for this year.  I guess we shall see what we get from those sandy gardens where we planted our tomatoes, peppers, squash, and cabbage plants. In other words, everything from the basement!

For the strawberries that were already established from years ago, some netting was thrown over them to keep out the birds.  And boy do we have a lot of birds!

The chickens had another field trip outside this week and were introduced more to their new home.  Aaron finished the ramp, and the lid over the brooding boxes.

Step right up!

Brooding boxes, complete with shingles!

Next week, with temperatures forecasted to soar in the mid 20s, we want them to have their first sleep over in their new digs.

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